
Technology, Market, and Complexity (SOI).


Minutes at SOItmC Board of Directors & 1st Preparation Seminar of SOItmC and SSC 2016 International Conference

관리자 2015-08-27


SOItmC Board of Directors & 1st Preparation Seminar of SOItmC and SSC 2016 International Conference


Venue: Seoul National University, Date: Aug. 19, 2015




At the seminar, following agendas were discussed.



1.   Regarding inviting keynote speakers


  • The Board made a decision of inviting Prof. David Morey (UC Berkeley, USA) and Prof. Barry Bozeman (Arizona State University, USA), as additional keynote speakers at SOItmC & SSC 2016.


2.   Regarding special session composition


  • The Board made a decision of inviting Prof. MyungJae Moon (Yonsei University, Korea), whom Prof. Kwangho Jung (Seoul National University, Seoul) recommended, as a chair of another special session of SOItmC & SSC 2016


3.   Regarding the policy about special session


  • The Board has decided that each special session chair is required to invite a foreign professor or researcher as a designated discussant


4.   Regarding preparation of SOItmC & SSC 2016


  • The Board reached a consensus that the organizing committee receive titles of each special session, titles of more than five papers to be presented at SOItmC & SSC 2016, name of the designated discussant, and the photos and web addresses (if any) of session chairs and discussants, within a month (Sep. 20, 2015) so that the committee prepare a draft of an advertisement poster. And, then the organizing committee, once a week broadly advertises the SOItmC & SSC 2016 to more than 30,000 global universities or institutes, including Harvard, Yale, MIT, Cambridge, Oxford, and etc.

  • Additionally, the committee together with Springer Press will distribute advertisement materials to more than 90,000 universities/institutes directly or indirectly once a month.


5.   Regarding special issue and submission


  • The SOItmC & KCWS 2015 (June 14-18, 2015) had received 92 papers. The authors recommended for corresponding special issue are required to submit their own papers by the end of August, 31, 2015.


6.   Regarding Paper review of JOItmC manuscripts and Submission


  • The editors or reviewers of JOItmC are kindly asked to positively complete the judge or review process within two weeks from the point of reception of manuscripts from JOItmC of Springer Press, which is an affiliate journal to SOItmC. 

  • Additionally, the authors recommended to JOItmC are required to complete the submission after due revision by the end of August, 31, 2015.


7.   Regarding recommending men of merit, creditable for University-Industry Collaboration Promotion


  • The Board reached a consensus to recommend Prof. KongRae Lee (DGIST) as a candidate for man of merit regarding University-Industry Collaboration, and to entrust recommending further candidates to the President of SOItmC, Prof. JinHyo Joseph Yun (DGIST) 

  • And, ultimately, Prof. KongRae Lee(DGIST), Prof. MinHwa Lee(KAIST), Prof. TaeHo Park(San Jose State University, USA) are selected to final candidates.


8.   Regarding SOItmC 2015 Summer Methodology Intensive Seminar

  • The Board approves hosting SOItmC 2015 Summer Methodology Intensive Seminar, and encourages the participation of as many members of SOItmC. (Date: Aug. 20 – 21 (System Dynamics) and Aug. 24-26 (Agent Based Modeling) from 10:00am to 18:00pm, Venue: DGIST Blg. R4, R# 301, No seminar fee just with the lecture materials book of 45,000 won) 

  • Anyone who is interested in can apply to 053-785-4411,


9.   Regarding Global Research Project to UN


  • The Board made a decision to suggest a Global Research Project to UN for designing Open Innovation economy system of enabling sustainable development of humankind by the end of 2015.